Testing Chai Dom Equals
Part of Open Web Component Recommendation open-wc Recommendation open-wc
We want to provide a good set of defaults on how to facilitate your web component.
Comparing dom literally is usually not what you want when testing components.
Additionally, when using ShadyDOM and/or ShadyCSS there will be additional classes you are not interested in.
::: tip Info
This is part of the default open-wc recommendation
Manual Setup
Add the following after chai is loaded
import { chai } from '@bundled-es-modules/chai';
import { chaiDomEquals } from '@open-wc/chai-dom-equals';
Test dom of an element
it('has the following dom', async () => {
const el = await fixture(`<div><!-- comment --><h1>${'Hey'} </h1> </div>`);
expect(el).dom.to.equal('<div><!-- comment --><h1>Hey </h1> </div>');
Test shadow dom of an element
it('has the following shadow dom', async () => {
const tag = defineCE(class extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
connectedCallback() {
this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = '<p> shadow content</p> <!-- comment --> <slot></slot>';
const el = await fixture(`<${tag}></${tag}>`);
expect(el).shadowDom.to.equal('<p> shadow content</p> <!-- comment --> <slot></slot>');
expect(el).shadowDom.to.semantically.equal('<p>shadow content</p><slot>');